


Diamond Diamond is the symbol of truth and purity. Its one of the most precious stones found on earth. Its shining links it to the sun. Diamond is used often for engagement rings. Its said that the diamond heals the emotions of the wearer. Diamond


Jade This gemstone has special significance in Chinese mythology. Jade is the symbol of Heaven and purity. Jade also represents justice, courage and moral purity. Some cultures believe that Jade brings good luck. Jade  


Ruby The Ruby gemstone is the symbol of love, vitality, and courage. Astrologers linked Ruby with Saturn and Mars. These planets are the symbol of passions. Some wore Rubies for the myth that they become darken during danger. Ruby  


Topaz Topaz is a famous precious stone for its empathetic quality. Topaz symbolizes faithfulness, friendship, and forgiveness. This precious stone is also a symbol of love and affection. Moreover, some astrologer believed that Topaz heals exhaustion and stimulate appetite. On the other hand, some people wear topaz on their fingers for protection. Also people gift …

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Precious Stones

Precious Stones Precious stones of gemstones are valuable sometimes for their color or shape or glossiness. Its also precious cause its not so available on earth. Diamonds, Emeralds, Topazs, Moonstones, Lapis Lazulis, Bloodstones, Rubys, Agates, Jades shine with their color and light. Usually precious stones are found from earth. So they symbolize divine energy and spiritual power. They …

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The Seasons

The Seasons The Seasons are the symbol of creation, birth, death, growth and rebirth. Its also represent running time. Mankind always measured time with the help of sun and moon. So the changing position of sun and moon during different seasons have different effect on seasonal symbolism. Every season have its own symbolism. So each …

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Iris Iris is the goddess of rainbow. She is the messenger of the gods of Olympia. She is imagined as a girl with wings. Iris carries herald’s rod. Iris make rainbows, and rainbows are the gateway between heavens and earth. Iris


Mountains Mountains are up high to the heavens from earth. Mountains are often honored and feared. They are considered as sacred by all the ancient religions. Mountains are associated with prophets and gods. Mountains


Dragon Dragons symbolized the weather and rain according to the Chinese culture. They thought that, some of their worst flood hit them because they had upset a Dragon. In China, they believed that Dragons control the water. Again in the western culture, Dragons represents fire. Dragon

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